Jan. 25 Brunch | Datina & Deliciu

Explore Romanian flavours & spirits.

Jan. 25 Brunch | Datină & Deliciu

Join us on Saturday, January 25th, at our seaside restaurant for the first brunch of the year. As part of the weekend event, Tradiție & Unire, the open for all brunch, Datină & Deliciu, will celebrate traditional flavours paired with live music by traditional Romanian lăutari and joyful moments.

This festive gathering will spotlight the essence of Romanian cuisine. Savour a variety of traditional dishes, an extended buffet, a refreshing lemonade bar, and homemade local sweets, all while celebrating the Union of the Romanian Principalities.

Live music will enchant and bring joy to us all and an authentic 'lautar' will make the evening complete. 

Date: January 25th  
Time: 4 PM–7 PM  
Entry: 200 Lei for adults / 100 Lei for children (ages 4–10) 
Creative workshop for children: 60 Lei

Special rates are available for those celebrating this moment with family or friends.  

Details & reservations: 0738.111.155  

We look forward to welcoming you to another heartfelt reunion!

Info & Reservations +40 738 111 155

Jan. 24-26 | Traditie & Unire

Celebrate important historical moments.

Jan. 24-26 | Tradiție & Unire

From January 24th to 26th, we celebrate the Union of the Romanian Principalities with a heartfelt weekend event, featuring activities designed for guests of all ages. And of course, our brunch, Datină & Deliciu, open to the public, is an essential highlight, this time on Saturday, not on Sunday, as it usually is.

Join us in our serene seaside oasis to honour this beautiful and meaningful moment in Romania's history. Enjoy walks accompanied by the soothing sound of waves, moments of tranquility at the spa, and authentic flavours at our sea-view restaurant.

Our package for two starts at 1,510 Lei/room, depending on your preferred room type, and includes:  

  • Two nights’ accommodation for two adults  
  • Access to the spa (indoor pool, jacuzzi, wet and dry saunas)  
  • Cinema and games on Friday and Saturday evenings  
  • Live music on Friday and Saturday nights  
  • Yoga and Pilates on Sunday morning  
  • Nutritious breakfast each morning  
  • A special sourdough bread and romanian specialites buffet  
  • Exclusive pricing for the Saturday brunch, Datină & Deliciu (4:00 PM–7:00 PM)  

We have a special surprise for booking three rooms minimum. Ask the reception for more information. 

Reserve your stay directly on our website or by calling 0738.111.155. Bookings for the public brunch, Datină & Deliciu, are available exclusively by phone.

We look forward to welcoming you for a weekend filled with relaxation and the joy of fresh beginnings!

Jan. 18 Workshop | New Beginnings

Align your vision to your dreams.

Jan. 18 Workshop | New Beginnings

On Saturday, January 18th, we invite you to blend moments of relaxation and tranquility at our spa with a profound meditation session and an intention-setting workshop. The first event of 2025 at Euforia Retreat & Spa celebrates the beauty and potential that come with new beginnings.

We are the architects of our own paths, and the way we envision our future shapes how it unfolds. Let us guide you in creating a journey that aligns with your dreams and reflects the life you truly deserve.

  • The meditation session and intention-setting workshop are available for 100 Lei for our hotel guests;
  • For visitors, the cost is 200 Lei, which includes access to our spa facilities.

The workshop starts at 4 PM and lasts for about 2 hours.
Workshop bookings are available exclusively by phone, at 0738.111.155.

We look forward to welcoming you to the seaside for a weekend filled with harmony and intention!

Info & Reservations +40 738 111 155

Terms and conditions gift card


Euforia Retreat & Spa oferă Clienților posibilitatea de a achiziționa carduri cadou. Voucherele sunt puse la dispoziția persoanelor interesate de către S.C Haras S.R.L. (denumită în continuare Euforia Retreat and Spa sau Hotel Euforia), cu sediul în Eforie Sud, Str. Marii, nr 66, Jud. Constanta, înregistrată în Registrul Comerțului cu nr. J13/4702/1994 și având CUI RO 6739127.


Cardurile cadou se pot achiziționa de la recepția hotelieră în limita locurilor și a produselor disponibile.
Verificarea disponibilității și rezervarea sejurului/pachetului se face la numărul de telefon: 0738111155 sau la hello@euforia.ro.
Valoarea unui card cadou poate fi aleasă de cumpărător și poate fi utilizată pentru achiziționarea serviciilor de cazare sau de spa.
Fiecare card cadou are o valoare distinctă înscrisă pe fața acestuia și un cod alfanumeric unic de 5 elemente.
Cardurile cadou pentru servicii spa nu pot fi utilizate pentru servicii de cazare sau de masa.
În cazul în care valoarea cardului este mai mare decât costul serviciilor de cazare, diferența nu vă fi returnată, dar poate fi utilizată pentru achiziționarea serviciilor de spa.
Cardurile cadou achiziționate vor fi expediate pe email, în termen de cel mult 48 de ore de la finalizarea plății.
Pentru a utiliza cardul cadou trebuie să comunicați codul alfanumeric înscris pe acesta, personalului hotelului de la Recepție, în momentul rezervării sau achiziționării de servicii.
Cardul cadou este un document la purtător, responsabilitatea utilizării acestuia revenindu-i exclusiv posesorului. Hotel Euforia nu îl va înlocui în caz de pierdere.


Cardurile cadou pentru cazare sau spa sunt valabile până 31.12.2024.


Cardurile cadou pot fi folosite de către persoanele care intra în posesia acestora în ceea ce privește serviciile din portofoliul Hotelului Euforia, respectiv:
servicii de cazare;
servicii de spa.
Serviciile regăsite și disponibile la momentul achiziționării voucherului pot suferi modificări, inclusiv în ceea ce privește prețurile raportate la momentul la care se beneficiază de serviciile oferite de Hotel Euforia.
Tarifele pentru serviciile acoperite de cardul cadou vor fi cele aplicabile la momentul efectuării rezervării în ceea ce privește cazarea.
Cardurile cadou nu se pot cumula cu alte posibile oferte disponibile și nu pot fi folosite în weekendurile cu evenimente speciale..

Suma neutilizata de pe cardul cadou își pierde valabilitatea dacă nu este folosită în condițiile și termenele indicate anterior, nefiind supusă restituirii de către Euforia Retreat & Spa..
Cardurile cadou nu pot fi preschimbate în bani, dar se se pot transfera către o alta persoana care vă beneficia de serviciile puse la dispoziție de Hotel Euforia în aceleași condiții.
Deținătorul cardului cadou nu vă putea primi rest în bani în urma utilizării acestuia. Dacă valoarea serviciilor este mai mare decât valoarea cardului, diferență vă putea fi achitata prin orice modalitate de plata, inclusiv la recepție. Daca valoarea serviciilor este mai mica decât valoarea cardului, diferență se poate folosi pentru achiziționarea serviciilor de spa.


Plata cardurilor cadou achiziționate online se poate realiza:
prin card bancar;
prin intermediul sistemului Euplatesc.ro
Cardurile acceptate pentru plăți sunt cele emise sub sigla VISA (inclusiv Electron), MasterCard (inclusiv Maestro), orice alt card bancar emis sub sigla VISA sau MasterCard.


Orice modificare și/sau anulare de rezervare a serviciilor se va trimite în scris pe adresa de e-mail: hello@euforia.ro sau la numărul de telefon: 0738 111 155. Modificarea serviciilor este supusă aprobării unității de cazare.

Serviciile rezervate pot fi anulate după cum urmează:
- pentru serviciile de spa fără penalități, dacă anularea are loc cu cel puțin 48 ore înainte de ora pentru care s-a făcut rezervarea;
-pentru serviciile de cazare , valoarea cardurilor cadou este nerambursabilă în cazul anulării.
Achiziționarea cardurilor cadou echivalează cu citirea, înțelegerea și acceptarea în integralitate atât a prezentei Politici, cât și a Termenilor și Condițiilor de către orice Client al hotelului.


Falsificarea cardurilor cadou se pedepsește conform legislației în vigoare și poate atrage inclusiv răspunderea penală.
Condițiile de cazare și informații privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal vor putea fi vizualitate pe https://euforia.ro/2023/07/25/terms-and-conditions/.
Pentru orice informații legate de obținerea și utilizarea cardului cadou vă rugăm să ne scrieți pe adresa de e-mail: hello@euforia.ro sau la numărul de telefon de contact 0738 111 155.

Dec. 22 Brunch | Gingerbread Whispers

Kindle and cherish childhood memories.

Dec. 22 Brunch | Gingerbread Whispers

As the wonder of Christmas approaches, join us for Gingerbread Whispers, our final brunch of this year, taking place on Sunday, December 22nd, from 12:30 to 15:00, where nourishing and refined tastes gather around the table to kindle cherished childhood memories.

Our bountiful buffet will offer a mouthwatering selection of recipes, including herb-crusted and oven-roasted pork chop, tender oven-baked coquelet with zucchini, and stuffed mushrooms. For dessert, indulge in freshly made waffles with homemade jam and homemade cinnamon rolls, sure to satisfy your sweet cravings.

Enhancing this culinary experience, the open bar will feature hot cocoa, cherry non-alcoholic punch, and homemade compote. The warm ambiance will be complemented by the gentle strumming of live guitar music, creating a relaxing backdrop for your meal. Little guests will also be treated to a creative workshop, where their imaginations can run wild.

For non-hotel guests, the brunch price is 200 Lei for adults and 100 Lei for children (4-10 y/o) & the children's creative workshop is 60 Lei.  Hotel guests and families joining our brunch will enjoy special rates—call us for more details. 

As spaces are limited, we encourage you to reserve your spot by calling 0738.111.155.

Gingerbread Whispers is part of the weekend event, Home & Heart: Santa's Village, where guests can also delight in yoga & Pilates sessions, movie nights, live music, and creative workshops for children.

Info & Reservations +40 738 111 155

Dec. 20-22 | Home & Heart: Christmas Delight

Enjoy the embrace of winter celebrations.

Dec. 20-22 | Home & Heart: Christmas Delight

As the soft and calming embrace of winter approaches, we invite you to retreat in our serene cocoon for Home & Heart: Christmas Delight from December 20th to 22nd to indulge in a weekend of relaxation thought out for the entire family.

From the moment you enter our realm of wonder, you will be greeted with buttery shortbread cookies and hot orange tea. The little ones will be surprised with a lovely goodie bag, waiting for them in the room. Together you can enjoy moments of laughter in our cozy kineto room that will transform into an intimate cinema alongside popcorn and a hot cocoa station. Children will be involved in a creative pursuit during Saturday morning to enchant their imagination.

For our grown up guests, we have prepared a special menu for the weekend, Sunday morning yoga & Pilates sessions and an invitation to visit the spa to relax and soothe their senses.

The Home & Heart: Santa’s Village weekend package for two starts from 1,480 Lei, depending on room choice, and includes:

  • 2 nights' accommodation for 2 adults
  • Access to the spa (indoor pool, jacuzzi, steam and dry sauna)
  • Welcome with buttery shortbread cookies and orange tea
  • Goodie bag awaiting in the room especially crafted for children
  • Nutritious breakfast each morning
  • Movie & popcorn on Friday and Saturday evenings alongside a hot cocoa station
  • Creative workshop for kids on Saturday
  • Live music throughout the weekend
  • Yoga and Pilates sessions on Sunday morning
  • Special entrance fee for the Sunday brunch, Gingerbread Whispers

Gingerbread Whispers is this weekend’s Sunday brunch, taking place from 12:30 PM to 3 PM, gathering a buffet composed of wholesome and nourishing recipes that explore wonderful winter tastes. Herb-crusted & oven-roasted pork chop with oven-baked coquelet with zucchini and stuffed mushrooms will make their appearance while live music embraces us with its soft tones.

The lemonade bar will be accompanied by a hot cocoa station to deliver beverages to the liking of all of our guests. As for the sweets, we’ll delight with freshly made waffles with homemade jam and homemade cinnamon rolls. A creative workshop will be awaiting for children above 4 years old.

For non-hotel guests, the brunch price is 200 Lei for adults and 100 Lei for children (4-10 y/o) & the children's creative workshop is 60 Lei.  Hotel guests will enjoy special rates.

Reservations for the Home & Heart: Christmas Delight weekend can be made directly on our website or by calling 0738.111.155. Reservations for the Sunday brunch, Gingerbread Whispers, can only be made by phone.

Dec. 15 Brunch | Flavours & Sparkles

Traditional aromas and childhood recipes.

Dec. 15 Brunch | Flavours & Sparkles

Flavours & Sparkles is yet another flavourful gathering that will take place on Sunday, December 15th, between 12:30-15:00, an invitation to gather the public to a delicious fusion of traditional tastes and cherished memories.

Our abundant buffet will feature an array of vegetable quiches with caramelised bacon, roasted duck with sautéed cabbage and fix your sweet tooth with pancakes delighted with homemade jam, and baked apples infused with cinnamon.

We’ll also feature a delightful open bar that will include a hot cocoa bar, cherry punch, and homemade compote. The atmosphere will be enriched by the soothing sounds of live guitar music adding a melodic touch to your dining experience. The little ones have their own creative workshop to enjoy and immerse themselves in an exploratory journey.

For non-hotel guests, the brunch price is 200 Lei for adults and 100 Lei for children (4-10 y/o) & the children's creative workshop is 60 Lei. Hotel guests and families joining our brunch will enjoy special rates—call us for more details. 

As spaces are limited, we warmly invite you to reserve your place by calling us at 0738.111.155.

This brunch, Flavours & Sparkles, is part of our Home & Heart special weekends, where you can enjoy yoga & Pillates, movie nights, live music and creative workshops for the little ones. To indulge in the full Euforia experience, reserve your complete directly on our website or by calling at 0738.111.155.

Dec. 13-15 | Home & Heart: Winter Tales

Experience Euforia's winter wonderland.

Dec. 13-15 | Home & Heart: Winter Tales

From December 13th to 15th, we invite you to step into a winter wonderland near the realm of the sea. Home & Heart: Winter Tales explores the charm of the seaside at Euforia in a weekend experience infused in rich aromas and wholesome moments of indulgence.

You’ll be greeted with the comforting aromas of chocolate cookies and orange tea, setting the tone for a cozy and flavourful stay. During the evenings, the kineto room takes the shape of a warm and intimate cinema, where classic films will rekindle memories of childhood joy alongside freshly made popcorn and a  hot cocoa station. Throughout the weekend, you’ll have the chance to enjoy the benefits of our spa, relax by the pool and indulge in massages or therapies.

Saturday brings a burst of creativity for our younger guests with a festive workshop, while Sunday morning offers grown-ups the chance to move mindfully with yoga and Pilates sessions, all designed to nurture the body and soul. The restaurant will greet you with a menu crafted especially for this weekend, filled with comforting and festive flavours that reflect the joy of the season.

The Home & Heart: Winter Tales weekend package for two starts from 1,480 Lei, depending on room choice, and includes:

  •  2 nights' accommodation for 2 adults
  • Access to the spa (indoor pool, jacuzzi, steam and dry sauna)
  • Welcome with chocolate cookies and orange tea
  • Goodie bag awaiting in the room especially crafted for children
  • Nutritious breakfast each morning
  • Movie & popcorn on Friday and Saturday evenings alongside a hot cocoa station
  • Creative workshop for kids on Saturday
  • Live music throughout the weekend
  • Yoga and Pilates sessions on Sunday morning
  • Special entrance fee for Sunday’s brunch

On Sunday, December 15th, we keep the tradition of gathering in our restaurant for a festive brunch open for all guests. Flavours & Sparkles will gather a buffet filled with refined tastes and wholesome recipes from vegetable quiches to roasted duck with sautéed cabbage. Sweet delights composed of pancakes and baked apples will soothe the soul and cherish the body. The cocoa bar will also be present, inviting you to prepare your own hot beverage with the spices and syrups that comfort your soul.

For non-hotel guests, the brunch price is 200 Lei for adults and 100 Lei for children (4-10 y/o) & the children's creative workshop is 60 Lei.  Hotel guests will enjoy special rates.

Reservations for the Home & Heart: Winter Tales weekend can be made directly on our website or by calling 0738.111.155. Reservations for the Sunday brunch, Flavours & Sparkles, can only be made by phone.

Dec. 8 Brunch | Datina & Savoare

Enjoy the traditional childhood aromas.

Dec. 8 Brunch | Datină & Savoare

“Datină & Savoare” is a brunch where traditional Romanian tastes are beautifully intertwined with the nostalgic flavours of childhood. Join us with joy on December 8th, from 12:30 PM, for a generous table brimming with authentic dishes reimagined and memories straight from grandma's pantry.

Our extended buffet will showcase an array of carefully prepared meat dishes, roasted fruits, and vegetables, alongside delightful beverages like a hot cocoa station, sour cherry punch, and homemade compote. The ambiance will be elevated by live guitar music, adding a harmonious touch to this sensory experience. Children will have their own creative workshop, providing them with a space to explore and create.

For non-hotel guests, the brunch price is 200 Lei for adults and 100 Lei for children (4-10 y/o) & the children's creative workshop is 60 Lei.  Hotel guests and families joining our brunch will enjoy special rates—call us for more details. 

Seats are limited. We warmly invite you to reserve your spot by calling 0738.111.155.

The “Datină & Savoare” brunch is part of our “Tradiție & Amintire” weekend event, a heartfelt celebration of Saint Nicholas, filled with soulful delights for all senses. This weekend combines traditional flavours with film nights, yoga and Pilates sessions, live music, and creative workshops for children. To fully experience the magic of Euforia, reservations for the weekend can be made on our website or by calling 0738.111.155.

Info & Reservations +40 738 111 155

Dec. 6-8 | Traditie & Amintire

Celebrate the beloved Saint Nicholas.

Dec. 6-8 | Tradiție & Amintire

Step into the heartwarming magic of childhood joy and anticipation with our “Tradiție & Amintire” event, from December 6th to 8th. This special weekend by the sea celebrates the beloved Saint Nicholas, the bringer of both sweet surprises and playful switches.

We invite you to savour a few enchanted days by the shore, where the air is filled with the inviting aroma of baked apples and cinnamon. This soulful retreat is designed to rekindle your inner child with a program thoughtfully crafted to delight both young and old.

Upon arrival, guests will be welcomed with the scents of Christmas—gingerbread and orange tea will set the festive tone. Each evening, our kineto room will transform into a cozy cinema, whisking us back to childhood with nostalgic films on both Friday and Saturday nights. Children will let their imaginations run wild in a creative workshop on Saturday morning, while adults can rejuvenate with Sunday morning yoga and Pilates. Throughout the weekend, a specially curated menu will honour Saint Nicholas, celebrating the flavours of the season.

The “Tradiție & Amintire” weekend package for two starts at 1,480 Lei, based on room selection, and includes:

  • 2 nights of accommodation for 2 adults
  • Full access to the spa (indoor pool, jacuzzi, wet and dry saunas)
  • A warm welcome of gingerbread and orange tea
  • A special goodie bag for children in the room
  • Delicious breakfast each morning
  • Movie nights with popcorn on Friday and Saturday, complemented by a hot cocoa station with spices and syrups
  • Creative workshop for children on Saturday
  • Live music throughout the weekend
  • Yoga and Pilates sessions on Sunday morning
  • Special pricing for the Sunday brunch, Datină & Savoare

On Sunday, December 8th, we also invite the public to join us for our “Datină & Savoare” brunch — a celebration of the rich aromas of winter spices and the nostalgic tastes of childhood. The buffet will feature a variety of gourmet meat dishes, roasted fruits, and seasonal vegetables, all accompanied by the soothing sounds of live guitar music. The open bar will offer a refreshing selection of fruit-infused lemonade, non-alcoholic cherry punch, homemade compote, and a special hot cocoa station to warm your soul. Children will have yet another creative workshop to enjoy during the brunch.

For non-hotel guests, the brunch price is 200 Lei for adults and 100 Lei for children (4-10 y/o) & the children's creative workshop is 60 Lei.  Hotel guests will enjoy special rates.

To reserve your place for the “Tradiție & Amintire’ weekend, visit our website or call us at 0738.111.155. Brunch reservations for “Datină & Savoare” can be made by phone only.