
Euforia experiences

Just like the charm of the sea changes with the passage of time, so the Euforia experience embraces a different flavour with each occasion.

You are about to dive into a diverse proposal of events, be them full weekend experiences or culinary delights. 
Explore them all and join our invitation to indulge in our seaside oasis.



Jan. 18 Workshop | New Beginnings

Align your vision to your dreams. Jan. 18 Workshop | New Beginnings On Saturday, January 18th, we invite you to…

Jan. 24-26 | Traditie & Unire

Celebrate important historical moments. Jan. 24-26 | Tradiție & Unire From January 24th to 26th, we celebrate the Union of…

Jan. 25 Brunch | Datina & Deliciu

Explore Romanian flavours & spirits. Jan. 25 Brunch | Datină & Deliciu Join us on Saturday, January 25th, at our…

Feb. 7-9 | Arta pe Paine

Discover Romanian artisans. Feb. 7-9 | Artă pe Pâine We invite you to a new Euforia experience: Artă pe Pâine…

Feb. 14-16 | Unwind & Indulge: A Lovers’ Tale

A delightful love story on the seashore. Feb. 14-16 | Unwind & Indulge: A Lovers’ Tale - Adults Only Event…

Feb. 14 Dinner | Wine & Dine

A Romantic Culinary Journey Feb. 14 Dinner | Wine & Dine We invite you to a new chapter in Chef…

Feb. 21-23 | Traditie & Tandrete

Celebrating love in its many shapes & forms. Feb. 21-23 | Tradiție & Tandrețe Between February 21st and 23rd, we…

Feb. 23 Brunch | Datina & Dragoste

The love for soulful food is still love. Feb. 23 Brunch | Datină & Dragoste On Sunday, February 23rd, we…

Feb. 28-Mar. 2 | Traditie & Inceput

Greet spring & the rebirth of nature on the seashore. Feb. 28-Mar. 2 | Tradiție & Început We celebrate the…

Mar. 2 Brunch | Datina & Debut

Celebrate & savour the arrival of spring. Mar. 2 Brunch | Datină & Debut We reunite on Sunday, March 2nd,…

Mar. 7-9 | Unwind & Indulge: The Divine Feminine

Nurture and honour the feminine essence. Mar. 7-9 | Unwind & Indulge: The Divine Feminine We invite you to Unwind…

Mar. 8 Brunch | Wine & Dine

A new wine-paired culinary journey. Mar. 8 Dinner | Wine & Dine To celebrate the feminine spirit in all its…

Mar. 21-23 | Arta pe Paine

Discover seaside relaxation & local artisans. Mar. 21-23 | Artă pe Pâine A new edition of the pop-up store, Artă…