Euforia experiences
Just like the charm of the sea changes with the passage of time, so the Euforia experience embraces a different flavour with each occasion.
You are about to dive into a diverse proposal of events, be them full weekend experiences or culinary delights.
Explore them all and join our invitation to indulge in our seaside oasis.
Align your vision to your dreams. Jan. 18 Workshop | New Beginnings On Saturday, January 18th, we invite you to…
Celebrate important historical moments. Jan. 24-26 | Tradiție & Unire From January 24th to 26th, we celebrate the Union of…
Explore Romanian flavours & spirits. Jan. 25 Brunch | Datină & Deliciu Join us on Saturday, January 25th, at our…
Discover Romanian artisans. Feb. 7-9 | Artă pe Pâine We invite you to a new Euforia experience: Artă pe Pâine…
A delightful love story on the seashore. Feb. 14-16 | Unwind & Indulge: A Lovers’ Tale - Adults Only Event…
A Romantic Culinary Journey Feb. 14 Dinner | Wine & Dine We invite you to a new chapter in Chef…
Celebrating love in its many shapes & forms. Feb. 21-23 | Tradiție & Tandrețe Between February 21st and 23rd, we…
The love for soulful food is still love. Feb. 23 Brunch | Datină & Dragoste On Sunday, February 23rd, we…
Greet spring & the rebirth of nature on the seashore. Feb. 28-Mar. 2 | Tradiție & Început We celebrate the…
Celebrate & savour the arrival of spring. Mar. 2 Brunch | Datină & Debut We reunite on Sunday, March 2nd,…
Nurture and honour the feminine essence. Mar. 7-9 | Unwind & Indulge: The Divine Feminine We invite you to Unwind…
A new wine-paired culinary journey. Mar. 8 Dinner | Wine & Dine To celebrate the feminine spirit in all its…
Discover seaside relaxation & local artisans. Mar. 21-23 | Artă pe Pâine A new edition of the pop-up store, Artă…