Golden harvest brunch | Oct. 6 - RO

Bucura-te de frumusetea toamnei

Golden Harvest Brunch | Oct. 6th


Pășește în inima toamnei la Golden Harvest Brunch de la Euforia, pe 6 octombrie, duminică, unde atmosfera este plină de căldura și frumusețea acestui anotimp.

Nuantele aurii ale toamnei creează decorul perfect pentru a sărbători cele mai alese roade ale sezonului. În timp ce te bucuri de priveliștea încântătoare, îți vom încânta simțurile cu un moment de gătit live: legume la grătar, care vor fi pregătite ulterior într-un ceaun din fontă, în curtea noastră, și servite spre deliciul tău. Experiența va fi completată de prospețimea sucului de struguri proaspăt stors, un Bufet de Patiserie, Bar de Limonadă și alte surprize.

Pentru micuții noștri oaspeți, am creat un Colț Special pentru Copii, unde aceștia își pot crea propriile peisaje de toamnă folosind materiale naturale, transformând ziua într-o ieșire plăcută pentru întreaga familie. Taxa de participare la această activitate creativă și pentru brunch este de 200 de lei.

Te invităm să te bucuri de o experiență delicioasă și să îmbrățișezi farmecul acestui sezon!

Golden Harvest Brunch
Data: Duminică, 6 octombrie
Ora: 12:30-15:00
Taxă de intrare: 200 lei
Taxă de intrare pentru copii și Colțul pentru Copii (4-10 ani): 200 lei

Evenimentul este deschis pentru toți, însă locurile sunt limitate. Rezervările se pot face apelând echipa noastră la numărul 0738.111.155.

Acest brunch, Golden Harvest, face parte din weekendurile noastre speciale Home & Heart, unde te poți bucura de yoga și pilates, seri de film, muzică live și ateliere creative pentru cei mici. Aceste weekenduri au loc pe parcursul lunilor octombrie și noiembrie. Pentru a te răsfăța cu întreaga experiență Euforia, rezervă-ți escapada completă apelându-ne sau rezervând direct pe site-ul nostru.

Info & Rezervări +40 738 111 155

Home & Heart: Autumn Tales EVENT| Oct. 4-6 -RO

Celebrating the Romanian National day of 2024

Autumn Tales Brunch EVENT

Step into the heart of autumn at Euforia’s Golden Harvest Brunch on the 6th of October, Sunday, where the atmosphere is filled with the warmth and beauty of fall.

The golden hues of autumn set the scene for a celebration of the season’s finest. While taking in the lovely view, we will entice your senses with a live cooking moment, grilled vegetables that afterwards will be prepared in an iron-cast cauldron in our courtyard and served for your enjoyment. The experience will be complemented by the freshness of just-pressed grape juice, a Bakery Buffet, Lemonade Bar and some other surprises.

For our little guests, we’ve created a special Kids’ Corner, where children can craft their own autumn landscapes using natural materials, making it a delightful family day out. The fee to engage in this creative quest and enjoy the brunch is 200 Lei.

We invite you to enjoy a delicious experience and embrace the charm of the season!

Golden Harvest Brunch

Date: Sunday, October 6th Time: 12:30-15:00
Entrance fee: 200 Lei
Entrance fee children & Kids’ Coner (4-10 Y): 200 Lei

The event is open to all, but seating is limited.
Reservations can be made by calling our team at 0738.111.155.

This brunch, Golden Harvest, is part of our Home & Heart special weekends, where you can enjoy yoga & pilates, movie nights, live music and creative workshops for the little ones. These weekends take place throughout the months of October and November, you can find more details on our account and soon in the ‘Events’ section of our website. To indulge in the full Euforia experience, reserve your complete getaway by calling us or reserving directly on our website.

Home & Heart: Autumn Tales EVENT| Oct. 4-6

Celebrating the Romanian National day of 2024

Autumn Tales Brunch EVENT

Step into the heart of autumn at Euforia’s Golden Harvest Brunch on the 6th of October, Sunday, where the atmosphere is filled with the warmth and beauty of fall.

The golden hues of autumn set the scene for a celebration of the season’s finest. While taking in the lovely view, we will entice your senses with a live cooking moment, grilled vegetables that afterwards will be prepared in an iron-cast cauldron in our courtyard and served for your enjoyment. The experience will be complemented by the freshness of just-pressed grape juice, a Bakery Buffet, Lemonade Bar and some other surprises.

For our little guests, we’ve created a special Kids’ Corner, where children can craft their own autumn landscapes using natural materials, making it a delightful family day out. The fee to engage in this creative quest and enjoy the brunch is 200 Lei.

We invite you to enjoy a delicious experience and embrace the charm of the season!

Golden Harvest Brunch

Date: Sunday, October 6th Time: 12:30-15:00
Entrance fee: 200 Lei
Entrance fee children & Kids’ Coner (4-10 Y): 200 Lei

The event is open to all, but seating is limited.
Reservations can be made by calling our team at 0738.111.155.

This brunch, Golden Harvest, is part of our Home & Heart special weekends, where you can enjoy yoga & pilates, movie nights, live music and creative workshops for the little ones. These weekends take place throughout the months of October and November, you can find more details on our account and soon in the ‘Events’ section of our website. To indulge in the full Euforia experience, reserve your complete getaway by calling us or reserving directly on our website.